Let’s Go Ride A Bike

Let’s talk about cycling. Slow down, don’t get all excited… not ME cycling. Other people doing it.  Specifically, my family.

So I’ll start this story by trying to help paint a picture of how important cycling is to my family. I was conceived in August 1983 on the Elroy Sparta Bike Trail in Wilton, WI while my mom and dad were on a bike trip. No lie. Not sure of the logistics, but maybe it was even on a bike? No, that would be impossible. But they were much younger then? Ok, that’s all the brainpower I will put into thinking about my conception.  Enjoy the mental picture.

Fast forward 29+ years, (see what I did there? Because I’m 29 forever?), and they are still pedaling. Through wind and rain and blood and sun there is nothing that will stop them.  Speaking of blood… here is a picture of a wipe

A terrible wipe out my dad had while training for the race. Where do you think the 1ft radius of fabric disappeared to?

out my dad had last year. Gross, huh? He couldn’t sit down for 3 months.  I decided not to share with you the close up of the giant Hematoma because it makes me want to throw up, but it was all worth it as he was training for a great cause.

So I have a father and a couple brothers.  They all participate in something really cool this time of year, and practice all summer long.  It’s the Toyota Best Damn Bike Tour.  100 or 150 miles (My dad does the 100, my brothers will do the 150). It’s to raise money for MS, which is a very important cause to our family as we have many many friends that have MS. For those of you that are not aware, MS stands for Multiple Sclerosis, a neurological disease that is often unpredictable and disabling and disrupts the flow of information from the brain to the body.

I’m so proud of them for doing this race every year rain or shine, I even show up at 5am in the morning with my mom and some coffee (for me, not for them) to send them off and wish them well.

What I’m not proud of is how terrible they are at raising money, which is the whole point.  So this blog post is a shameless plug to get you to give money to The MS Society in their name to cheer them on and to help us find a cure for MS. Gotcha! But seriously, any amount would mean so much to so many people.

Since only one of my 3 loved ones gave me a link to donate, I’m hoping you can help me make Jon one of the best sponsored riders out there. (Good job Jon!  Sending the email is half the battle! Even if I had to ask for it 3 times. *insert eye roll here) He even said he would wear a princess outfit while riding if you donate. (that’s a lie, I was just trying to sweeten the pot.) Click here to donate.


My dad and another member of The Peppy Pedalers, one of the best teams for raising money during this event.

Maybe someday I’ll have a fancy carbon fiber bike myself and learn how to ride without training wheels. Until then, Go Peppy Pedalers!


PS: I would like to also make up for the graphic bloody picture above with an adorable picture of Jon holding his daughter last weekend at Packers Training Camp where the players cycled in and she had to high 5 every one of them.  #cutenessoverload

Such a cool tradition. My mom and her dad used to watch the players bike in on little kids bikes when she was a little girl.